Encrypted messaging platform Telegram appears to have accepted a U.s. court ruling that the company cannot distribute its Grams tokens or launch the Telegram Open up Network (TON) until the dispute has been resolved.

With Telegram missing its borderline to launch TON by April 30, a refund clause in Telegram's purchase agreements means that investors tin now claim refunds.

However, while proposing an immediate refund of 72% of investors' stakes, the platform is also offering repayment of 110% on April thirty, 2022. Investors who opt to accept the loan may be able to redeem their stake for crypto assets in the future.

Telegram delays TON launch again

In a alphabetic character dated Apr 30, Telegram said that it volition non issue Grams by April 30 "in lite of the recent U.S. district court determination."

While the platform is honoring its promise to refund investments at 72 cents on the dollar, Telegram has announced a secondary option investors to "loan'' their stake to the platform for 12 months in exchange for repayment at 110 cents on the dollar on April 30, 2022. The letter states:

"Equally a token of gratitude for your trust in TON, we are too offer you lot an alternative choice to receive 110% of your original investment past Apr xxx, 2022, which is 53% higher than the Termination Corporeality."

"Detailed documents describing this option, including a loan agreement, will exist provided shortly to those who express interest," the document adds.

Telegram states that it volition go on to engage regulators regarding TON and its tokens, noting that investors may be provided with the option of receiving Grams or a dissimilar cryptocurrency if they are approved to exercise then:

"Purchasers who opted for the loan will have the further option to receive Grams or potentially another cryptocurrency on the aforementioned terms as those in their original Buy Agreements."

Investors have been asked to forrard which refund plan they have chosen past the end of this calendar week.